Cookie Cutter!
Cookie Cutter!
Recently, I noticed a trend on one of my favorite craft sites. Everyone was making leaf shaped cookies. I was fascinated with so many of the vibrant colors and the artistry of the detailed decorating. I decided to order myself a leaf shaped cookie cutter. I wanted to try my hand at making some. I knew I could never decorate them like the fancy bakers, but one thing was for sure, they would taste amazing.
Not too long ago, I ordered some of the prettiest cookies you’ve ever wanted to see and while attending the party I bought them for, I heard what sounded like a toddler spitting out bad food. I turned around to see my friends two-year-old yell ” Yuk” this cookie is so nasty!” I thought to myself, “no way!” So, I took the remaining cookie from his hand and tried it myself. Standing in front of everyone, I wanted to spit my cookie out too!!!
I always wanted to make fancy cookies but then I realized my gift is to make tasty rich, buttery, flavorful cookies. Decorating is just not my thing...not to say that all fancy cookies do not taste good because I have had some beautiful and tasty ones. The thing I thought about when the cookie cutter arrived is, I am no cookie cutter girl. I do not follow trends; I am authentically Lisa. What God has gifted me to do, I do to the best of my ability. I know how to stay in my lane and be me. While all the cookie cutters are out there, I set the trend for me! This picture shows my attempt at making the fancy cookies and while they do not look fancy, I promise you they were delicious! Just be you!