Why Not? !

Why not?!

I received a surprise video chat one night from my friend Andrea. To see her face after so many years brought me such joy. We laughed and began to share all our recent blessings. The conversation was so enthusiastic as we shared where we were in our lives and how trusting God and probably looking crazy to others landed us in a pretty good position. I am usually guarded when it comes to sharing some of the good things in my life prematurely but talking to Andrea, I had peace. God used her to say the simplest words to me...“why not?” Now this was not in the form of a question like…”Why not buy that new car?” It was more like…”You seem surprised that you are so blessed but why not? Why not you?

I responded with such enthusiasm when I said, “Girl, I am going to blog about that statement…”Why not?!” She laughed and said, “go ahead”.  So here I am thinking about all the visions and dreams I had for myself. Despite the path that landed me at this moment, I asked myself…”why not me?” Why not follow a dream or vision? Why not write a book or two? It is not for me to decide God’s timing. I could still enjoy the things I could not do as my younger self. There is no age limit on dreaming. 

For months after I retired, I tried to find my niche.  It did not take me long to realize watching Hallmark movies all day was not what I envisioned when I thought about the next segment of my life.  So here I am, as I sit writing my weekly blog on an extremely rainy afternoon by a nice toasty fire. I was going to leave that detail out but, why not share the blessing I am loving?  Seeing other people living a blessed life makes us realize our dreams keep us thinking “why not?” How crazy was I to launch a page about food, home & lifestyle? I had no clue how to execute the content that I had in mind. Why not trust the process? Why not believe that you can do the unimaginable? Why not take all the things that make me Lisa and use them to encourage, motivate and empower someone else?

The first video I posted just happened to fall on a Tuesday and I remember sitting for about 15 minutes trying to come up with something catchy to call it all I could come up with was “Tipping Tuesdays”. Do you know the Bible says that, “God will take the foolish things to confound the wise.” These simple tips I share every week...people are enjoying and implementing to suit their needs.  I found my niche. I am having fun. I’m not sure where this journey will take me but one thing I don’t ask anymore is, “why not?” as in “why not me?”














Christmas Spirit?


Never Used….